Simplifying Complexity:
We turn confusing medical records into successful case strategies.

You’re an attorney, not a medical professional. Neither are the judge or jurors who are hearing your case. Let our team of specially trained registered nurses simplify the complex medical information and jargon that forms the foundation of your cases. We interpret exactly how the medical facts affect your case strategy.

Here’s how Jolly Consulting prepares you to litigate your civil or criminal cases without surprise … and with success for your clients:

  • Objectively evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of the medical facts and how these facts play into your case strategy
  • Anticipates opposing counsel’s theories and builds medical fact evidence to counter these arguments
  • Identifies which medical records you need and manages these records for you
  • Educates you on the meaning and the value of medical facts, literature and expert opinions
  • Finds the best medical experts to review your case
  • Pinpoints breaches in standard of care
  • Helps you effectively communicate the effect of injuries on your client’s life
  • Identifies related damages including future damages